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Monday, September 12, 2011

Custom Types

Custom types are the object types created to meet the business requirements. They inherit all characteristics of its parent type while having their own properties (custom properties).
For example, In order to create a custom type with contents, use dm_document as a supertype. So a custom type can be considered as a sub type. Following are the valid types a custom type can inherit from:
dm_sysobject, dm_user, dm_relation, dm_audittrail, dm_java etc.
Existing sub types of the supertype dm_sysobject:
dm_document, dm_folder, dm_cabinet, dm_component, dm_job, dm_note, dm_process, dm_query etc.
Permissions required to create a custom type:
User must have SUPERUSER, CreateType or SYSADMIN. User who created a type becomes its owner.
Custom type can be created without any parent type; such a custom type is called Null type. In order to create Null type user must have SUPERUSER privilege.
Custom Type Naming conventions
Custom type name should not begin with dm, as this word is reserved for the Documentum object type.
If you name the custom type starting with dm, you would not be able to delete it in future.
Application to use to create a custom type
A custom type can be created using any of the following:
Documentum Administrator (DA)
Documentum Query Language (DQL)
Documentum Composer (Eclipse based UI)
Technical details
When a custom type is created, the Content Server creates up to two tables in the repository database and the views corresponding to the newly created tables. The below Information about the type is stored in the data dictionary upon its creation:
a). Default value for properties.
b). Constraint defined for property.
c). Mapping information for properties (showing different display name for a property value) etc.

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