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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Error while creating IDFClient object.

Scenario: While trying to create a session of IDFClient, the Java program throws following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/rsa/certj/cert/CertificateException
        at com.documentum.fc.impl.RuntimeContext.<init>(
        at com.documentum.fc.impl.RuntimeContext.<clinit>(
        at com.documentum.fc.client.DfClient.<clinit>(
        at TutorialCheckOut.execute(
        at TutorialCheckOut.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.rsa.certj.cert.CertificateException
        at$ Source)
        at Method)
        at Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
        ... 9 more

Solution: Make sure dfc.keystore file is present at c:\documentum\config folder.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Custom Types

Custom types are the object types created to meet the business requirements. They inherit all characteristics of its parent type while having their own properties (custom properties).
For example, In order to create a custom type with contents, use dm_document as a supertype. So a custom type can be considered as a sub type. Following are the valid types a custom type can inherit from:
dm_sysobject, dm_user, dm_relation, dm_audittrail, dm_java etc.
Existing sub types of the supertype dm_sysobject:
dm_document, dm_folder, dm_cabinet, dm_component, dm_job, dm_note, dm_process, dm_query etc.
Permissions required to create a custom type:
User must have SUPERUSER, CreateType or SYSADMIN. User who created a type becomes its owner.
Custom type can be created without any parent type; such a custom type is called Null type. In order to create Null type user must have SUPERUSER privilege.
Custom Type Naming conventions
Custom type name should not begin with dm, as this word is reserved for the Documentum object type.
If you name the custom type starting with dm, you would not be able to delete it in future.
Application to use to create a custom type
A custom type can be created using any of the following:
Documentum Administrator (DA)
Documentum Query Language (DQL)
Documentum Composer (Eclipse based UI)
Technical details
When a custom type is created, the Content Server creates up to two tables in the repository database and the views corresponding to the newly created tables. The below Information about the type is stored in the data dictionary upon its creation:
a). Default value for properties.
b). Constraint defined for property.
c). Mapping information for properties (showing different display name for a property value) etc.

Data Dictionary in Documentum

It stores server-based information (rules) about objects and properties. These rules are allowed to be used for client/server web based development. The information in Data Dictionary is not used by the Content Server for its internal processing but by the client applications. The Content server only stores and retrieves information form Data Dictionary.
Data Dictionary Information about a object type is defined using the Documentum Composer. Before this information is used by the client application, it must be published to the repository. If you are using Documentum composer then it is automatically published. Publishing of the information creates/amends following three objects (types):
dm_DataDictionaryPublisher job is used to publish the information.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Error while Promoting a document to its next lifecycle state in WebTop

Scenario: Created a new LifeCycle for a custom object type (inherited from dm_document) using the Documentum Composer and installed it in the repository. Created a new document using the new type and applied the lifecycle to it.

When tried to promote the document to the next lifecycle state, got the following error:
Error in promoting the file [DM_POLICY_E_ERROR_0010]error: "BP transition script error. Details:Error saving the sysobject;[DM_ACL_E_CANT_CREATE_INSTANCE]error:"Cannot create an instance dm_4500000180002505_80000900 of template ACL Approved based on alias set Custom_App.

Reason: The ACL specified in the error message either does not exist or has some issue associated with it.
Solution: Create the ACL and try promoting the document again.

Note: For other possible Documentum (v 5.3) errors visit

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Creating and Configuring a new Format in DA

Format objects define file formats. Content Server only recognizes formats for which there is a format object in the repository. When a user creates a document, the format of the document must be a format recognized by the server. If the format is not recognized by the server, the user cannot save the document into the repository.

The Content Server installation process creates a basic set of format objects in the repository. You can add more format objects, delete objects, or change the properties of any format object.

Let assume that we want to create a new format for the file format .MSF and files with this extension are plain text files.

To create a new format:
1. Navigate to Administration > Formats to access the Formats list page.
2. Select File > New > Format to access the New Format Info page.
3. Complete the properties for the new format.

4. Click OK to save the new format or Cancel to exit without saving the changes.
The system displays the Formats list page.

5. Add File extension in Windows so that when you edit a file of this format it open in the default editor. Follow the below steps:
Step (a).

Step (b).

Step (c).

Testing the newly created Format Object

Step 1: Login to the WebTop
Step 2: Add a new Format in Tools->Preferences->Format

Step 3: Go to your cabinet and select File-> Import
Step 4: Drag and drop a file with MSF extension or just add .MSF file and click ‘Next’. A dialog similar to the one shown below will appear on the screen:


Step 5: Click Next button and dialogue box contents are changed. These entries indicates that new format has been used for the extension of the document you are importing.

Step 6: Finish importing the document by clicking on ‘Finish’ button.

Editing MSF file

Step 1: Locate the MSF document you have just imported.
Step 2: Right click the file and choose ‘Edit’ from the context menu.
Step 3: As the file type MSF was associated with Notepad as an editor, the document being edited opens in the Notepad as shown below:
If the File association for MSF is not set, executing ‘Edit’ operations on MSF file shows following dialog box:

Docbase service startup issue

Scenario: Stop Docbroker and DocBase from Start->All Programs->Documentum Server Manager. Open the log file by clicking on ‘Viewlog’ button under ‘Docbase’ tab for viewing the log. Now started Docbroker and it started with out an issue. Now tried to start DocBase service and got the following error:

Reason: The log file is opened while trying to start the Docbase service.
Solution: Close the log file and try starting the Docbase service again. Service should start with out any problem.

Error while running a Job in Documentum Administrator (6.5)

Scenario: Running Job dm_Filereport does not execute properly and 'View Job Report' shows following report showing the error that caused Job to fail
FileReport Report For DocBase <DocbaseName> As Of 30/8/2011 09:45:38
Aborting--Job can't run in it's time window, please check the window_interval argument which is currently set to 60
Report End 30/8/2011 09:45:38

Solution: Follow the below procedure to fix the issue:
Step 1: Right click the Job and open its Properties window.
Step 2: Go to the 'Method' tab and click on the 'edit' link available in front of  'Arguments'
Step 3: Modify the parameter window_interval value to 1440 to give sufficient time for the job to execute.
Step 4: Close the Properties window and try to run the job again. It should work fine now.